Privacy Policy


At Motest Ltd. we are committed to looking after your private information with great care. We never sell, rent or share your personal information with any third parties. Your personal information will only be used by us for business purposes such as financial record keeping and maintaining service histories. We also use your contact details for sending booking confirmations and reminders and may (if you have opted in), send you details of offers and promotions from time to time.
Your personal information is stored in our secure management system and all of the connections to it are protected by SSL encryption, which is the industry standard used to protect all the secure websites in the world.


We may send you reminders for certain services (such as MOTs and Vehicle Servicing), by Post, Email or SMS. Please let us know if you have any specific preferences with regard to receiving these reminders.


This website may use essential session cookies to temporarily store some of the data that is submitted when you are making an online booking. This type of cookie only exists whilst the browser window is open and is destroyed as soon as you close it. We never store highly sensitive information like credit card numbers in our session cookies.
If you wish to view, amend or delete the personal information that we hold, please contact us at:
14 Halimote road, Aldershot,
Hampshire, GU11 1NJ
01252 888403
[email protected]
This Privacy Policy was created on 24/05/2018 and will be reviewed on 23/05/2020 .